25 Jan 2017

Meet our project

➙  Hellowe are Alexandra Popescu, Irene Poza, Ă€ngela Jurado and Norah Cifuentes from a school in Spain. We are doing an Erasmus Programme with other 4 schools in Europe so here you have our blog about out topic: NEW CLIMATE.
In this blog we talk about the information that different groups have searched about the new climate, climate changes, how it will affect us... We also have a section about news of the climate change.
➙ We will update all this information weekly.

What is the Erasmus Programme?

➙ The Erasmus Programme is an European Union (EU) student exchange programme. It is the new programme combining all the EU's current schemes for education, training, youth and sport…
➙ The Erasmus Programme, together with a number of other independent programmes, was incorporated into the Socrates programme established by the European Commission in 1994.

To have a closer experience with the other schools participating in the Erasmus programme, 5 students of our school have gone to the Isle of Wight in England for one week. There, they explain how are we working here in Spain and compare how do they work there, also sharing some information and doing some visits related to the efficiency of transport on the island.